Let's start with that. We deliberated very deeply what Allan would want if he could tell us, and whom Allan would want right by his side. With VERY limited availability we had to narrow it down especially right now. There are Five people we are permitted to see Allan. Those five people have been notified and have a password. If you do not-I am sorry. These were VERY hard decisions to make and took over two hours of deliberation with the assistance of a clinical social worker. The list of whom will make medical decisions about Allan is a short list of 3. This is set in stone. Please remember this is for right now. For right now today these things are set in stone. AS SOON AS THINGS CHANGE in the visitor department I WILL BE THE FIRST ONE TO TELL YOU!!! Cross my heart and promise with all my being!
Now, let me talk about his health. First and foremost, Allan has a high fever today. He has an infection. We do not know where. They were taking samples of lung goop when we arrived to test, and specifically said let's pray it's not respiratory. This is one of the very reasons we have cut his visitors so short. He absolutely needs minimal contact right now. There is still a whole ritual that involves scrubbing and gloving and gowning just to step foot over the threshold into his room.
The doctor today had a sit down with us, and placed the cards on the table so to speak. This is his wording...
As a result of the trauma to his brain, Allan has a large subdural hematoma. This is a big fat blood clot under the dura-which is the lining that covers the brain. This hematoma has taken up a lot of space on one side of his brain and caused his brand to have a "midline shift" and push on other parts of Allans brain. Because of this shift one of the arteries that supplies blood to the brain has pressure on it. In essence Allan is having a long three day stroke.
Let's talk stroke. We all have stories about grandma or auntie or a relative that has had a stroke. In those particular strokes, a blood clot in inside a artery or vessel and cuts off blood supply to a portion of the brain. Those most familiar with that situation know that what area of the brain was cut off from it's blood supply will in short affect that area of the persons life. So if the area responsible for speech is cut off, then that area of the brain dies and the person will have trouble with speech from then on.
The type of stroke Allan is having is not a clot in the artery. It is pressure among MANY area's of blood flow to his brain. As various areas of brain tissue die, more fluid and blood attempts to flood the area causing more and more pressure and there is a vicious cycle that starts. They are combating this as best they can with medications. When I arrived Allans pressure was at 28. When I left it was back down to 17.
The sedation he is on is very short time sedation. That means they can not give it to him and it will wear off rather quickly. They can then test his responses and sedate him again. When it was allowed to wear off this morning Allan's cranial pressure went, in the doctors own words: "Through the roof." He didn't give a specific number.
Allan's pupils were not dilating today.
Additionally Allan has multiple cerebral contusions. This means several areas of his brain are bruised. And a significant crush injury to the right side of his chest.
Currently the physicians involved in Allan's case are very concerned that if he were to survive this injury, his prognosis is likely to be very poor.
There is a scale of five numbers. People leave this trauma unit with a rating of either 1,2,3,4 or 5. A level five person is normal. They will walk, talk, remember, go back to work and live the rest of their life with a great horror story to tell. A number four will need assistance in a few areas. Parts will be missing in memory and general behavior traits. They may or may not be able to hold a basic job of some sort. Three will need daily assistance with common tasks like toileting, eating...everything you do from the time you wake up in the morning. The difference between one and two...a number two person can open their eyes on their own. So, your talking nursing home bed ridden.
The most likely outcome for Allan from the best prediction the Physician can give us is a 1,2 or 3. If Allan pulls through this, he absolutely will not be the person we all know and are thinking of. The doctor advised us all to understand this fully. We don't have to like it. We all stumbled down the hall numb. And he said it will take a while to sink in. But this is the reality of Allan's injury.
I took a picture of him today. It is not a pretty picture. This is a picture of our reality right now. I am going to leave a lot of space between these words and the picture for those that would rather just not see it. If you are one of those, then this is the end of the post, I will not put further information below. As far as those of us dealing with this full impact-Chris, Vicki and Randi...we are covered with family that is holding us up well and are grateful for all the offers of help. We will get back to people should we need to accept those offers. Please understand a lack of response justs means we are very well taken care of and not that we didn't get your messages or feel your love. Thank you to all for so much love and well wishes. I will return to Allan tomorrow. I will hold his hand again and I will tell him again that we all love him so much and we are all--ALL here. I will do so every day until I'm told not to. If he's there at all...he knows. He knows. Please treasure the people in your life today...
space filler for those that are done....

Allan, you are in my prayers and in my heart, my brother
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you Allan...may God bless.
ReplyDeleteSteve Sarro
Three nurses came into the room to try to turn Allan while Heather and I were there. We stopped and Heather and I anointed Allan with oil and prayed over him. I feel peace. As difficult as this is... all is well. There are three things that remain, Faith, Hope, and Love. The greatest of these is love. ~~Vicki Dahlquist
ReplyDeleteThis is a sad thing to see, one of our fellow old timers laid out like this. Allan's a tough guy and I know his spirit is fighting to bring himself back with brain functions 4 or 5. I will be praying with his spirit to bring himself back to us as we know him. We need to love and honor eachother everyday, for we never know when it maybe our last and the creator calls us to sit with him and celebrate.
ReplyDeleteGeorge K.
Randi - I fully support your brave and steadfast protection over Al - I know what your going through to a point - my husband was in the same ICU in Rosesville but not as bad as your Al. Keep the strong wall around him - so many friends need to see him but it is certainly not the time and everyone will wait for you to allow small amount of visitors at a time. You are doing exactly what your suppose to be doing and our job is not to intrude but to pray for your peace, strenth and Al's healing. God is in control of this - faith, hope and love will prevail.
ReplyDeleteCrossroads rider, Blessing to you - we are praying for your family.
Willa & Fred
My Dear Brother,
ReplyDeleteSpeaking from one big bear to another, I can honestly appreciate the warmth and strength I got from your many hugs over the years. I am not ready to believe I got my last from you. I am praying for you brother with all my heart, may "God" bless you and bring you back from this. I need a bear hug from my big brother. I love you bro, your friend always Tony,
Thanks for all the detail of Al's condition it must be hard to do so thanks so much. The visitation problem should go away as many of us are speading the word in our aa comunity to not go to the hospisal or call. David Wiant
ReplyDeleteThank you Randi for your time and devotion not only tending to Big Al but all so to the great number of people that care so much for him and creating this blog. You are a busy mom and an amazing person. My thoughts and prayers have been with Al and the whole family all day. It's just so sad :( Please DO NOT HESITATE to call me if you need my services for ANYTHING! My love to you and your beautiful boys! Nonnie
ReplyDeleteWow. I am so moved by all that you all have written. And Randi, you are a writer sweet girl. Thank you so much for keeping us posted. The Zumwalt's are praying as a family everyday and will continue to do so. We love you all and are grateful to God for giving you all to us. He is surely taking care Big Al tonight.
ReplyDeleteLove and prayers!
John and Michele Zumwalt (Sarah and Katie too)
I wish I had words to say right now. This family impacted my life in such a mighty way as a teenager and young woman!! I love you all so very much only wish I was closer to help in some way but please now I am praying and have asked my church family around the world to pray as well. Mom, Dad, Jess and her family are all praying and send their love.
ReplyDeleteAll my love and prayers
Larry and Lisa Diaz