Sorry to hear of your loss. He is now at peace with God and Corkie riding that Harley in the sky. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sincerly Bob and Cheryl (Allan's friends) 6700 Oak Ave. Folsom, CA 95630
PS-Just to tell you that Allen helped alot of people while he was with us. (Bob)
I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I will keep your whole family in my prayers. My grandmother died yesterday and I am leaving for Texas on Thursday returning Sunday. Please let us know about the services. I will hope to be home. I love you all tons and tons and will continue to pray for you everyday! Love, Michele Zumwalt (Johnny Z, too)
Love You, Bro a Friend Forever Wenever I've proposed a 'little' wayward thought, I'll be passing by you. Just ot hear you say, "Armstrong, you're a piece of work" I'll respond, " yeah, and we're both having Fun". And don't you forget HP has us close, where we belong. Hook up with Walking Eagle, Chuck, Father Angelo. O & be sure to take Ace wherever you take Corkie. I don't know you can dodge'em wit two magnets. Have FUN Bless vegibob
I am sorry to hear this, I had great hopes that a miracle might happen. There are no words to comfort you, your family and all the people he has touched.
A friend and I prayed and sent God's loving energy and light to Alan last night about 7:10pm in hopes to bring him comfort and peace on whatever God decided was best for him.
My Deep condolences, he is going to be missed terribly.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I'm found Was blind but now I see My chains are gone, Ive been set free My God my Savior has ransomed me And like a flood, his mercy reigns Unending love, amazing grace. Rest peacefully Allan. H.
Randi, Vicki and all of the family. My deepest condolences and sympathy to all of you. "The beauty of a life well-lived never continues to embrace and inspire us." Allan lived this sort of life and will always inspire us. May knowing that you are in the thoughts of others help you through this difficult time. May you find comfort in your loving memories... Peace to you all. Lovingly, Sylvia
We'll miss you, Big Al. We're praying for the family. Perhaps this little prayer by Dietrich Bonhoeffer will help.
"Nothing can make up for the absence of someone we love. And it would be wrong to try to find a substitute. We must simply hold out and see it through. That sounds very hard at first, but at the same time, it is a great consolation, for the gap -- as long as it remains unfilled -- preserves the bond between us. It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap: God does not fill it, but on the contrary, keeps it empty, and so helps us to keep alive our former communion with each other, even at the cost of pain."
We'll miss you, Big Al. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all his family and friends.
Perhaps this little quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer will offer some comfort: "Nothing can make up for the absence of someone we love. And it would be wrong to try to find a substitute. We must simply hold out and see it through. That sounds very hard at first, but at the same time, it is a great consolation, for the gap -- as long as it remains unfilled -- preserves the bond between us. It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap: God does not fill it, but on the contrary, keeps it empty, and so helps us to keep alive our former communion with each other, even at the cost of pain."
Randi, Vicki and family. My deepest sympathy and condolences to all of you. "The beauty of a life well lived never continues to embrace and inspire us." Allan lived this sort of life and he will always inspire us. May knowing that you are in the thoughts of others help you through this difficult time. May you find comfort in your loving memories... God be with you.... Lovingly, Sylvia
I'm sorry for your loss. I only started reading your blog the other night and became attached to Allen from afar. I also ride and have my riding buddy, Chopper, that rides with me on my bike. Blessings Always, Carol from Portland, OR.
I'm sooooo very sorry for your loss & the loss to us all. God Bless us one and all. This is an incredible reminder to cherish every moment of every day & all those we love. Peace, peace, peace......
I am so speachless this morning. It is so sad for us here that remain. I smile in knowing that Big Al is with God and Corky. Pain free and happy. Truly happy. I love the Dahlquist family like my own. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Asking God to blanket you with comfort and peace and rest. I love you - Jaime
Randi, We are so sorry for your loss... Your Dad is definitely in Heaven with God at peace. God's will and blessing, no more pain or suffering. May God confort you and your family.
Yes Allan, you will be missed by many! The more important issue is that you and your tired body are now at peace. No more pain no more "trudging this road." You have gone to the Big Meeting in the sky, as they say. A large part of me is relieved for you...and now it's about those that loved you so very much that are here still walking this earth plain. Let us all be of service to them, especially the little ones. Blessed Be everyone reading this post and don't take for granted the gift of life our Creator has blessed us with this day. Nonnie
Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away to the next room. I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, That, we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name. Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effect. Without the trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same that it ever was. There is absolute unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you. For an interval. Somewhere. Very near. Just around the corner.
My love and prayers go out to the family as you grieve the loss of our friend. Allan will be greatly missed and cherished in my memories for his friendship and service at Lakeside Church.
I'm so sorry to hear about Allan. I think I speak for all his old Navy buddies and their wives in saying that he will truly be missed!! A big guy, with a soft heart! It's too bad our next reunion wasn't soon enough. We'll miss "Duck!!" The last line of the prayer for St. Francis says; "And, it is in dying that we are born to eternal life." Jim "Marty" & Jerri Martin
I am very sorry for our loss my prayers go to you and Allans family right now I have no words so sorry. keep us posted for service info thanks David Wiant
I am so so very sorry for your loss. I worked with Allan which is to say that we had met and spoken a few times the past few months. What stuck out to me the most was his energy and smile as he talked to you. The kind of person that you remembered and even if you only spoke to him once he made a positive impact on your life. The world needs many many more people like him.
I remember how you were a big part of my Father and Mother's recovery, and subsequently had a big heart, Big Al, and you will surely be missed. I will see you again in the big meeting in the sky...
My heart and prayers go out to you and all. Yes, Big Al is now with the Big Guy may he have enternal peace. Please accept my deepest heartfelt sympathies. May God bless and keep all of you.
Randi, I did not know your father, and we've never met. I happen to know several that did know and love him. Your strength must be that which is beyond yourself. God sustains you, and it is so evident by just reading these posts. Please know you and your family are in my prayers.
I can't believe this wonderful man is gone, he certainly will not be forgotten as he touched so many lives. He was one of the most gentlemen I ever knew, I will miss him. Rest in peace Allan, I love you.
After I found out about Allan's passing, I went and looked at photographs I have of the Dahlquist family. I stared at them and thought about all the good times and wonderful memories i have of you guys. I'm thinking about you Randi and the rest of your family. Allan will be missed and I'm sending you thoughts of peace and love. Losing a parent was the hardest thing I've ever gone though.
I did not know Allan well, but upon reflecting on him, I realize he had that knack for making everyone feel like they were a good friend and they were important. He was a gift he was to all who knew him and will be sorely missed. Randi, Vickie and family, I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless, Valery
Randi Fay, Vicki and family, Jim and I (Ora) just learned about Allan's accident today, I am so sorry for your loss. It's hard to imagine that he has joined our HP so soon.
Randi, Thank you so much for your updates and loving words about Allan, I want you to know how comforting reading your writings were to an old friend. It was very courageous of you to pour your heart out for all of us to share.
Allan and I had worked together at Pac Bell, and shared many drinks with our crew back in the late 70's. It was a nice reunion when I ran into Allan in an AA meeting in Rescue in 1990. It was nice to know we had both made it to the rooms of AA, and continued to share memories as our lives crossed paths over the years in between. When I got my 24 yr chip last year it seemed right that an old sober drinking buddy was in the room to share it. We had a chance to catch up, it had been awhile. His smile will be missed. I haven't seen you and the family recently, but please know you are in our prayers. Hugs, Ora & Jim Ruppel
Randi Fay and Family, My condolences to all of you for the loss of Big Al. He will be sorely missed, but I am relieved that he is no longer suffering. And now, he's celebrating a life well lived with Corkie at that big meeting in the sky. I am also relieved that your bedside ordeal is now at an end, and that you can move forward with your grief. This is such a sad time and my heart weeps, knowing that I'm never going to get another big bear hug from Allan. I am so lucky and blessed to have known Al these past two decades, the best years of his life, and I have many fond memories, even some new ones these past few months. My prayers go out to all of you, offering you all the strength and support you may need. In sympathy and with love, Catherine Randolph
My Dear Brother, How I am going to miss you. You were true to me, you were true to yourself, you were true to everyone, that is what I loved about you. I remember our time together at Promise Keepers years ago when we shared a ride and a room. We shared a lot and learned a lot from each other that weekend and I will cherish that time for the rest of my life. I can't wait to see you again my big brother, looking forward to sharing again. Rest in peace big Al, and may "God" bless your family and give them strength to get through this time. Love you bro, Tony
I got pulled to your blog tonight and now I know why. You've had so much grief and so many miracles in your life this short/long year. Know that here in Kansas I am praying for you all tonight. Thank you for sharing your father with me through this blog. He sounds like he was quite an amazing man.
Randi, Vicki, and family, I have been in quiet reflection this week, as I have kept you all in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad that the bedside part of this journey is over for you all. Soon we will all be in the same room, to celebrate Allan's life, and share our tears of pain. Allan will now be able to pick out a street near the Father for us all to build our houses on someday - he just went first.
I want to thank Allan for all the love, hugs, smiles and truth he offered to me and those around me for so many years. I know he will be watching over us even still as he always did and I'm comforted by the thought he is at peace and with God (and Corky and many other friends that went before). My love goes out to Randi Fay and Vicki and all those who are grieving their own loss of a true friend and family member (whether he was your family by blood, marriage or just by tears and laughter over the years). Shirley J.
I'm speachless I have nothing really to say. Now I wish I listened to more of his stories and hung out with him more. Randi and Will especially hang in there guys. Your brother -Matthew
God sent down a gift to us, which was Allan and Corky. Now God has asked them to come home. Now he is part of the big meeting in the sky and Corky right by his side.
I can't be upset at God because God gave us sobriety. It's because of sobriety I met Vicki first and then Allan.
I will miss our bi-weekly talks about our neuropathy and politics. He and my husband Dave loved to talked about their political parties. Thank God they were on the same team.
RandiFay, you are the best, and thank you again for your detailed journey of your dad's last days here with you. I will continue to pray for you, your husband, your children, Vicki, Dewey, and the rest of the family. I love you all very much.
May peace shine through your hearts for many hours to come.
My deepest condolences to all the family and friends of "Big Al." I first met Al in 2005 through my friend Dewey and attendance at the OVO AA meetings. I enjoyed his "larger than life" presence (as well as his excellent BBQ!) at several gatherings I was invited to at Vicki & Al's in Folsom over the past few years. Though I cannot say that I got to know Al really well, I could sense that he was a man not only large in size but also in heart & spirit.
Big Al extended himself to me many times since we moved to the Sacramento area. Truly a man of character and impact, and often thought of in the course of my day--a dear friend and will be greatly missed around here.
p.s. The daily meditation reprinted below from the Little Black Book--5 May. It seemed appropriate here.
"I cannot ascertain the spiritual with my intellect. I can only do it by my own faith and spiritual faculties. I must think of God more with my heart than with my head. I can breathe in God's very spirit in the life around me. I can keep my eyes turned towards the good things in the world. I am shut up in a box of space and time, but I can open a window in that box by faith. I can empty my mind of all the limitations of material things. I can sense the Eternal."
I wish I had some pearls of wisdom to share but to be honest, I am really mad that my friend is gone. So many in our AA circle have had trials and it seems that Allan was always there with me, and everyone else, to give comfort. I can only share a couple of thoughts that I have heard around the rooms. The first is from my sponsor "Acceptance doesn't required my approval" and the second from big Allan himself - SOBER stands for Son Of A Bit--, everthings real. I really don't know what else to add, my heart hurts and I am angry such a good man was taken from us. Cheryl and Timmy
I worked with Allen thru out the years he was one of the best and will be missed. He came from the old school of one of the good ole boys. our heart goes out to you and your family. Please let us know when funeral location and time will be.............
Thank you God for the gift of "Big Al". You did real good work with him these last 20 years, and he turned around and did your work real good too! I know his spirit will stay with us because of the gifts he brought to so many.
Randi, Family and Friends, I am truly saddened to hear of Big Al's passing. It seemed that he was larger than life and hig hugs proved it. His smile and ease was contrasted by his piercing truth when he needed to use it. I am truly greatful to have known him as I'm sure he gave me more than I gave him. To all of us that will hold this special man in our memories forever, let us be greatful.
Thank you for letting all of us who were practicing patience be part of your journey.I will always picture "Big Al" walking around in his socks and flashing me a peace sign and a great big smile. Dewey, Thank you for sharing everything you could. I love you all.
I knew Al in high school he was a great guy then an in reading all the comments was a well loved person in his life. May he have peace and he has the respect of us all. Larry Wallis BV Class of 63
Sam and Vicki K send all of our prayers to Al's family and friends. We haven't seen Al in almost 18 years, but he has never been forgotten. My husband Sam and I were lucky enough to have met him at the Friday Folsom meeting when he first started attending. We also attended a conference in Oahu with him and had a wonderful time. We have since adopted four children and moved to Nevada City, we are all so blessed with this life and I am so grateful to everyone to be able to read here how Al has touched so many people and lives. He still lives in all our hearts and minds and I'm sure he will live on in all his works.
A man who has friends is truly wealthy in all respects.
He is with Our Father now, always was. I am sending love and healing light to his family. Allan touched our hearts and lives on in our memories.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Randi Fay, for keeping us informed and for loving Allan so much that even in your grief you found the strength to keep in touch.
If I may be of any service, I am here for you.
Love, Connie
Sorry to hear of your loss. He is now at peace with God and Corkie riding that Harley in the sky. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Bob and Cheryl (Allan's friends)
6700 Oak Ave.
Folsom, CA 95630
PS-Just to tell you that Allen helped alot of people while he was with us. (Bob)
Please let us know about memorial services.
Randi and your family are in our thoughts and prayers...R.I.P. Big Al...
ReplyDeleteMat and Tina Ladwig
ReplyDeleteSee you all soon. We will cry and laugh together, at the same time. Thank you God, for Allan.
Dave Rohrdanz
I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I will keep your whole family in my prayers. My grandmother died yesterday and I am leaving for Texas on Thursday returning Sunday. Please let us know about the services. I will hope to be home. I love you all tons and tons and will continue to pray for you everyday!
Michele Zumwalt (Johnny Z, too)
Randy Fay, Vicki & Family~
ReplyDeleteI am so deeply sorry for the great loss. Big Al will be missed greatly.
With love and support,
Nicole & Matt Heglie
Love You, Bro a Friend Forever
ReplyDeleteWenever I've proposed a 'little' wayward thought, I'll be passing by you. Just ot hear you say, "Armstrong, you're a piece of work" I'll respond, " yeah, and we're both having Fun". And don't you forget HP has us close, where we belong. Hook up with Walking Eagle, Chuck, Father Angelo. O & be sure to take Ace wherever you take Corkie. I don't know you can dodge'em wit two magnets.
Have FUN
I am sorry to hear this, I had great hopes that a miracle might happen. There are no words to comfort you, your family and all the people he has touched.
ReplyDeleteA friend and I prayed and sent God's loving energy and light to Alan last night about 7:10pm in hopes to bring him comfort and peace on whatever God decided was best for him.
My Deep condolences, he is going to be missed terribly.
May God's Peace and Love Be With You,
Terie McEntee
We are praying for all of you
ReplyDeleteAmazing Grace, how sweet the sound
ReplyDeleteThat saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
My chains are gone, Ive been set free
My God my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood, his mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace.
Rest peacefully Allan. H.
My heart goes out to you and your family.
Randi, Vicki and all of the family. My deepest condolences and sympathy to all of you. "The beauty of a life well-lived never continues to embrace and inspire us." Allan lived this sort of life and will always inspire us. May knowing that you are in the thoughts of others help you through this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteMay you find comfort in your loving memories...
Peace to you all. Lovingly, Sylvia
We'll miss you, Big Al. We're praying for the family. Perhaps this little prayer by Dietrich Bonhoeffer will help.
ReplyDelete"Nothing can make up for the absence of someone we love. And it would be wrong to try to find a substitute. We must simply hold out and see it through. That sounds very hard at first, but at the same time, it is a great consolation, for the gap -- as long as it remains unfilled -- preserves the bond between us. It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap: God does not fill it, but on the contrary, keeps it empty, and so helps us to keep alive our former communion with each other, even at the cost of pain."
Al & Marne Laughlin
We'll miss you, Big Al. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all his family and friends.
ReplyDeletePerhaps this little quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer will offer some comfort: "Nothing can make up for the absence of someone we love. And it would be wrong to try to find a substitute. We must simply hold out and see it through. That sounds very hard at first, but at the same time, it is a great consolation, for the gap -- as long as it remains unfilled -- preserves the bond between us. It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap: God does not fill it, but on the contrary, keeps it empty, and so helps us to keep alive our former communion with each other, even at the cost of pain."
Al & Marne Laughlin
Randi, Vicki and family. My deepest sympathy and condolences to all of you. "The beauty of a life well lived never continues to embrace and inspire us." Allan lived this sort of life and he will always inspire us. May knowing that you are in the thoughts of others help you through this difficult time. May you find comfort in your loving memories...
ReplyDeleteGod be with you.... Lovingly, Sylvia
I'm sorry for your loss. I only started reading your blog the other night and became attached to Allen from afar. I also ride and have my riding buddy, Chopper, that rides with me on my bike. Blessings Always, Carol from Portland, OR.
ReplyDeleteI'm sooooo very sorry for your loss & the loss to us all. God Bless us one and all.
ReplyDeleteThis is an incredible reminder to cherish every moment of every day & all those we love.
Peace, peace, peace......
I am so speachless this morning. It is so sad for us here that remain. I smile in knowing that Big Al is with God and Corky. Pain free and happy. Truly happy. I love the Dahlquist family like my own. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Asking God to blanket you with comfort and peace and rest.
ReplyDeleteI love you -
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry for your loss...
Your Dad is definitely in Heaven with God at peace. God's will and blessing, no more pain or suffering. May God confort you and your family.
Karen & Guzzi
Yes Allan, you will be missed by many! The more important issue is that you and your tired body are now at peace. No more pain no more "trudging this road." You have gone to the Big Meeting in the sky, as they say. A large part of me is relieved for you...and now it's about those that loved you so very much that are here still walking this earth plain. Let us all be of service to them, especially the little ones.
ReplyDeleteBlessed Be everyone reading this post and don't take for granted the gift of life our Creator has blessed us with this day.
May the blessings of love be upon you
ReplyDeleteMay its peace abide with you
May its essence illuminate your heart
Now and forever more . . . .
- Sufi Blessing
Death is nothing at all.
ReplyDeleteI have only slipped away to the next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other,
That, we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way
which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed
at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effect.
Without the trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same that it ever was.
There is absolute unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you.
For an interval.
Somewhere. Very near.
Just around the corner.
All is well.
(Canon of St. Pauls Cathedral)
(1847 - 1918)
Henry Scott Holland
my prayers are with you. I'm so sorry. kathy lonergan
ReplyDeleteMy love and prayers go out to the family as you grieve the loss of our friend. Allan will be greatly missed and cherished in my memories for his friendship and service at Lakeside Church.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about Allan. I think I speak for all his old Navy buddies and their wives in saying that he will truly be missed!! A big guy, with a soft heart! It's too bad our next reunion wasn't soon enough. We'll miss "Duck!!" The last line of the prayer for St. Francis says; "And, it is in dying that we are born to eternal life." Jim "Marty" & Jerri Martin
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry for our loss my prayers go to you and Allans family right now I have no words so sorry. keep us posted for service info thanks David Wiant
ReplyDeleteI am so so very sorry for your loss. I worked with Allan which is to say that we had met and spoken a few times the past few months. What stuck out to me the most was his energy and smile as he talked to you. The kind of person that you remembered and even if you only spoke to him once he made a positive impact on your life. The world needs many many more people like him.
ReplyDelete"What we do in life...echoes in eternity."
Big Al, you will be missed. Randy Fay, hang in there and thanks for keeping us all in the loop. You are loved.
ReplyDeleteI remember how you were a big part of my Father and Mother's recovery, and subsequently had a big heart, Big Al, and you will surely be missed. I will see you again in the big meeting in the sky...
ReplyDeleteMy heart and prayers go out to you and all. Yes, Big Al is now with the Big Guy may he have enternal peace. Please accept my deepest heartfelt sympathies. May God bless and keep all of you.
ReplyDeleteJOHN E.
Blessings to you and your family and peace to you in your grief.
ReplyDeleteThere are no words, and yet so many.
ReplyDeleteI am coming down. Hope to have info soon.
Love you Randi Fay & Vicki
Sarah Sterchi
I am deeply saddened but grateful I know where he is - without a doubt. You and your Mom please give eachother a hug for me. God bless Traci Maricle
ReplyDeleteI did not know your father, and we've never met. I happen to know several that did know and love him. Your strength must be that which is beyond yourself. God sustains you, and it is so evident by just reading these posts. Please know you and your family are in my prayers.
The world is a better place, haveing known Allen. He will be missed.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
I can't believe this wonderful man is gone, he certainly will not be forgotten as he touched so many lives. He was one of the most gentlemen I ever knew, I will miss him. Rest in peace Allan, I love you.
ReplyDeleteAfter I found out about Allan's passing, I went and looked at photographs I have of the Dahlquist family. I stared at them and thought about all the good times and wonderful memories i have of you guys. I'm thinking about you Randi and the rest of your family. Allan will be missed and I'm sending you thoughts of peace and love. Losing a parent was the hardest thing I've ever gone though.
We are so very sorry to hear of the tremendous loss. You are all in our thoughts, our hearts and in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteRest in peace, Allan.
Russ and Audrey (Erich's maternal grandparents)
I did not know Allan well, but upon reflecting on him, I realize he had that knack for making everyone feel like they were a good friend and they were important. He was a gift he was to all who knew him and will be sorely missed. Randi, Vickie and family, I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless, Valery
ReplyDeleteRandi Fay, Vicki and family,
ReplyDeleteJim and I (Ora) just learned about Allan's accident today, I am so sorry for your loss. It's hard to imagine that he has joined our HP so soon.
Randi, Thank you so much for your updates and loving words about Allan, I want you to know how comforting reading your writings were to an old friend. It was very courageous of you to pour your heart out for all of us to share.
Allan and I had worked together at Pac Bell, and shared many drinks with our crew back in the late 70's. It was a nice reunion when I ran into Allan in an AA meeting in Rescue in 1990. It was nice to know we had both made it to the rooms of AA, and continued to share memories as our lives crossed paths over the years in between. When I got my 24 yr chip last year it seemed right that an old sober drinking buddy was in the room to share it. We had a chance to catch up, it had been awhile. His smile will be missed.
I haven't seen you and the family recently, but please know you are in our prayers.
Hugs, Ora & Jim Ruppel
Randi Fay and Family,
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to all of you for the loss of Big Al. He will be sorely missed, but I am relieved that he is no longer suffering. And now, he's celebrating a life well lived with Corkie at that big meeting in the sky.
I am also relieved that your bedside ordeal is now at an end, and that you can move forward with your grief. This is such a sad time and my heart weeps, knowing that I'm never going to get another big bear hug from Allan. I am so lucky and blessed to have known Al these past two decades, the best years of his life, and I have many fond memories, even some new ones these past few months.
My prayers go out to all of you, offering you all the strength and support you may need.
In sympathy and with love, Catherine Randolph
My Dear Brother,
ReplyDeleteHow I am going to miss you. You were true to me, you were true to yourself, you were true to everyone, that is what I loved about you. I remember our time together at Promise Keepers years ago when we shared a ride and a room. We shared a lot and learned a lot from each other that weekend and I will cherish that time for the rest of my life. I can't wait to see you again my big brother, looking forward to sharing again. Rest in peace big Al, and may "God" bless your family and give them strength to get through this time. Love you bro, Tony
The world lost such a wonderful man today. R.I.P Big Al and Corkie. May they live happily together for eternity. My deepest sorrows.
ReplyDeleteI got pulled to your blog tonight and now I know why. You've had so much grief and so many miracles in your life this short/long year. Know that here in Kansas I am praying for you all tonight. Thank you for sharing your father with me through this blog. He sounds like he was quite an amazing man.
ReplyDeleteRandi, Vicki, and family, I have been in quiet reflection this week, as I have kept you all in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad that the bedside part of this journey is over for you all. Soon we will all be in the same room, to celebrate Allan's life, and share our tears of pain. Allan will now be able to pick out a street near the Father for us all to build our houses on someday - he just went first.
ReplyDeletePraise God for all things, Debbie Duell
We are so soory for your loss and all of ours. Our prayers are with you . Margaret Rose and Rob
ReplyDeleteI want to thank Allan for all the love, hugs, smiles and truth he offered to me and those around me for so many years. I know he will be watching over us even still as he always did and I'm comforted by the thought he is at peace and with God (and Corky and many other friends that went before). My love goes out to Randi Fay and Vicki and all those who are grieving their own loss of a true friend and family member (whether he was your family by blood, marriage or just by tears and laughter over the years). Shirley J.
ReplyDeleteI'm speachless I have nothing really to say. Now I wish I listened to more of his stories and hung out with him more. Randi and Will especially hang in there guys.
ReplyDeleteYour brother
God sent down a gift to us, which was Allan and Corky. Now God has asked them to come home. Now he is part of the big meeting in the sky and Corky right by his side.
ReplyDeleteI can't be upset at God because God gave us sobriety. It's because of sobriety I met Vicki first and then Allan.
I will miss our bi-weekly talks about our neuropathy and politics. He and my husband Dave loved to talked about their political parties. Thank God they were on the same team.
RandiFay, you are the best, and thank you again for your detailed journey of your dad's last days here with you. I will continue to pray for you, your husband, your children, Vicki, Dewey, and the rest of the family. I love you all very much.
May peace shine through your hearts for many hours to come.
Love you,
Petra & Dave McDaniel
My deepest condolences to all the family and friends of "Big Al." I first met Al in 2005 through my friend Dewey and attendance at the OVO AA meetings. I enjoyed his "larger than life" presence (as well as his excellent BBQ!) at several gatherings I was invited to at Vicki & Al's in Folsom over the past few years. Though I cannot say that I got to know Al really well, I could sense that he was a man not only large in size but also in heart & spirit.
ReplyDeletePaul Fisher
I will miss Al. I worked with him, and he was such a great person.
ReplyDeleteBig Al extended himself to me many times since we moved to the Sacramento area. Truly a man of character and impact, and often thought of in the course of my day--a dear friend and will be greatly missed around here.
p.s. The daily meditation reprinted below from the Little Black Book--5 May. It seemed appropriate here.
"I cannot ascertain the spiritual with my intellect. I can only do it by my own faith and spiritual faculties. I must think of God more with my heart than with my head. I can breathe in God's very spirit in the life around me. I can keep my eyes turned towards the good things in the world. I am shut up in a box of space and time, but I can open a window in that box by faith. I can empty my mind of all the limitations of material things. I can sense the Eternal."
I wish I had some pearls of wisdom to share but to be honest, I am really mad that my friend is gone. So many in our AA circle have had trials and it seems that Allan was always there with me, and everyone else, to give comfort. I can only share a couple of thoughts that I have heard around the rooms. The first is from my sponsor "Acceptance doesn't required my approval" and the second from big Allan himself - SOBER stands for Son Of A Bit--, everthings real. I really don't know what else to add, my heart hurts and I am angry such a good man was taken from us. Cheryl and Timmy
ReplyDeleteI worked with Allen thru out the years he was one of the best and will be missed. He came from the old school of one of the good ole boys. our heart goes out to you and your family.
ReplyDeletePlease let us know when funeral location and time will be.............
Dusty M.
Thank you God for the gift of "Big Al". You did real good work with him these last 20 years, and he turned around and did your work real good too!
ReplyDeleteI know his spirit will stay with us because of the gifts he brought to so many.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Elizabeth, Gary and Ann
Randi, Family and Friends,
ReplyDeleteI am truly saddened to hear of Big Al's passing. It seemed that he was larger than life and hig hugs proved it. His smile and ease was contrasted by his piercing truth when he needed to use it. I am truly greatful to have known him as I'm sure he gave me more than I gave him. To all of us that will hold this special man in our memories forever, let us be greatful.
Thank you for letting all of us who were practicing patience be part of your journey.I will always picture "Big Al" walking around in his socks and flashing me a peace sign and a great big smile. Dewey, Thank you for sharing everything you could. I love you all.
ReplyDeleteKellie Smith
I knew Al in high school he was a great guy then an in reading all the comments was a well loved person in his life. May he have peace and he has the respect of us all.
ReplyDeleteLarry Wallis BV Class of 63
Sam and Vicki K send all of our prayers to Al's family and friends. We haven't seen Al in almost 18 years, but he has never been forgotten. My husband Sam and I were lucky enough to have met him at the Friday Folsom meeting when he first started attending. We also attended a conference in Oahu with him and had a wonderful time. We have since adopted four children and moved to Nevada City, we are all so blessed with this life and I am so grateful to everyone to be able to read here how Al has touched so many people and lives. He still lives in all our hearts and minds and I'm sure he will live on in all his works.
ReplyDeleteA man who has friends is truly wealthy in all respects.